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Project showcase

Raleigh Challenge - Mountain Marathon


This is a voluntary project for Raleigh Hong Kong (RHK), a registered charity committed to inspiring Hong Kong youth to explore their full potential through participation in programmes held locally and internationally.

I have developed a Website and a Registration System for the upcoming event of RHK, Raleigh Challenge - Mountain Marathon, a charitable orienteering competition which is making a comeback in 2023 after its last iteration in 2013.

Website mockup - full page
Registration system mockup - mobile
Website mockup - mobile
Website mockup - example page
Registration system mockup - dashboard


I am the sole developer for this project. I am responsible for both frontend and backend. In addition to my responsibilities as the developer for this project, I actively contribute to the UI design process.


Tailwind CSS

The website is built with SvelteKit, integrated with Sanity, a headless CMS, for dynamic content management. The website is built using Static Site Generation (SSG) and deployed to Vercel, taking advantage of the fast loading speed and better SEO performance that static site provides.

To style the website efficiently, I used Tailwind CSS for the user interface, which enable me to create adaptive user interfaces with ease.

Registration System

The registration system is comprised of two parts: the user-facing registration page and the admin dashboard. Both components are integrated with Prisma, a TypeScript ORM that connects the frontend with the MongoDB database. The type-safety provided by Prisma improves the development experience and makes the application less error-prone.

User will be receiving automatic emails from the organizer during the registration process, this is made possible by Resend, an email API.

Registration Page

Tailwind CSS

The registration page is built using SvelteKit and features a registration form that is powered by the Superforms, a SvelteKit library. To ensure data integrity, the form is integrated with Zod, a validation library that helps to validate the user inputs.

Admin Dashboard

Tailwind CSS

The admin dashboard is built with Next.js. The user interface is built with shadcn/ui, which is a collection of re-usable components built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. I used NextAuth to implement passwordless authentication with Magic Links. Nivo is used to create simple data visualization in the dashboard.